McFuckedup - We're Lovin' it!

My good friend Erin posted this on Facebook and it speaks volumes to me.


I'm over my Jim Bakker moment.

What the fuck are we thinking? Cheese. It's fucking cheese. That's all. You wanna know who ruined cheese and, somewhat dairy, for every US citizen?

This Asshole!

Louis Pasteur invented a revolutionary process that would, through the twisted designs of the FDA, insure that Americans would never again enjoy the taste or the full nutritional benefits of real, raw dairy ever again. This is the precise reason why you can't go down to the mom and pop dairy farmer and buy real milk. The food police would lock them up in the Gulag for selling unhomogenized, unpasteurized milk based foods. But pasteurization is a good thing, right? Sure, pasteurization has certainly saved the people a belly ache or few throughout the years. With the refrigeration technologies and bacterial testing that we are capable of now, there's no reason that we shouldn't have a choice. That's right! We, as a free country, cannot choose to drink or eat raw dairy. Unless you have a milk cow in the backyard or a rogue agent dairy farm (they do exist), you can never legally have the opportunity to enjoy milk in its natural state. 

Or eat real cheese.

Which brings me to the lecture at hand. Do you love Brie? That creamy, tangy wonderful Brie that is heaven with apples and pears. No you don't. I'm willing to bet, unless you have been outside the continental borders of the United States, you have never tasted Brie. An integral part of the Brie making process is that the dairy not be heated to more than 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Pasteurization of milk occurs at 166-170 degrees Fahrenheit. What you buy at WalMart is not Brie, regardless what the label says. 

The rest of the world treats cheese as artisinal. An alchemical treasure showcasing the best of what their land has to offer. We treat it as another industrialized commodity. There are kids in our society that think that cheese only comes out of an individually portioned plastic wrapper. And that's obviously better for you than raw cheese, because the FDA says so.

I don't know if Morningland Farms are right. I know that they're standing up to the FDA, which makes them allies. Their story certainly sounds legitimate. Government suits should not tell you what to eat. Personally, the two places I definitely don't want my government most is in my bedroom and in my kitchen. Especially when the same bureaucracy has encouraged this to transpire:

Remember Me?

It's humbling.

When you eat crow, it doesn't much matter if it's organic, cage free, and without hormones. It always tastes like shit.

I have dreaded and avoided this blog as if it were plagued by the worst contagious hells the human mind could conjure. The only thing I've had to blog about as of late is how I cannot seem to practice what I preach. Sure, I can sit here and wax on about how busy the holidays are and when money is tight, garbage foods are cheap. And it would all be true. But I am still a hypocrite. And I hate it.

When you spend an entire spring and summer season eating as near to an entirely organic, locally produced diet as our region allows, funny things happen when you go back to gorging on shit food. You gain weight at an alarming rate? Check. About 10 pounds in 3 months. Your digestive system hates you. Always. Especially at 3am? Check. I have been so sick that I can't imagine how I gained the 10 fucking pounds.  Insomnia owns your ass? Check. If I wasn't up all night stress testing our plumbing and septic technologies, I was up looking at pointless websites, or reading comics that would be there tomorrow, or watching the most inane things on NetFlix. I don't know if it was the High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS from here on) or some other chemical nonsense that has no business in my body, but I know I wasn't sleeping. And I'm still not. I cannot accept that this is all coincidental. This is my body revolting against my habits. It was given the good life then thrown back to the shit pile.

It's not all been $5 pizzas and terrible drive through tacos.

My wonderful wife has been making 100% of our sandwich bread since just after Thanksgiving. Making a grilled cheese sandwich from this and some great colby jack and real butter was a wonderful idea.

Thanksgiving brought us a family meal that was awesome as always.

Christmas Eve was truly amazing. Our extended family did something for us that I hadn't experienced since high school. They made The Feast of Seven Fishes, an Italian Christmas tradition that I have enjoyed nearly all of my life until moving to a place where Italian heritage is strangely absent. It was an amazing meal and it really felt like home. I can't thank them enough.

Some of Gia's Feast of Seven Fishes

There have been plans set in motion already to resume our organic ways. I hope that I will stay true to it. I know that I can't continue to live like this. By eating better, I also hope to continue blogging about my experiences.

For all that happen to read this. Thank you for being patient.